All Creatures Animal Hospital
"Crusaders for the Human-Animal Bond"
2482-C Mt. Vernon Road
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338
Phone: 770-393-3400
Fax: 770-395-9500
All Creatures is only licensed to treat injured wildlife and is only allowed to hold wildlife for 48 hours to rehab before release. We cannot accept orphaned or baby (uninjured) animals. Not all wild animals who appear to be orphans actually are orphaned. Finally, it may be illegal to transport wildlife across state or county lines and it may be illegal to own or care for wildlife in your own home. Once injured wildlife has been brought to us for care, we are unable to return the animal back to you for any reason. We provide basic care information on how to resolve an issue you may be having with injured or abandoned wildlife. For detailed information or for assistance finding a rehabilitator to care for orphaned or baby (uninjured) wildlife, please check out this site: Animal Help Now
Handling a wild animal can be dangerous to you and harmful for the animal. Protect yourself from disease and injury. Please exercise caution and good judgment before handling, transporting, or otherwise disturbing a wild animal. (1) never approach or attempt to rescue an animal who is behaving abnormally (circling, staggering, etc.) or shows signs of disease (salivating, discharge from the eyes or nose, etc.) and (2) always wear thick gloves whenever handling wildlife.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Never attempt to rehabilitate wildlife by yourself. As a rule, you must have a license to treat wildlife. Rehabilitating wildlife without a license often places undue risk upon the animal. Animals have very specific needs that often only the experts know and can accommodate. All Creatures cannot take in abandoned, orphaned, or uninjured wildlife animals. Check out the following sites for information on other rehabilitators that can provide more longterm care:
If I find an injured adult deer: Adult deer don't handle the stress of capture and captivity well, and attempts to treat an injured adult deer typically will do more harm than good. If the deer can walk and is in a relatively safe place, simply leave the deer alone. If she cannot stand, euthanasia is likely the most humane option. In either case, do not approach the deer--an injured and scared deer could easily injure you or make her injury worse. If she is severely injured or near a busy road, contact a wildlife emergency professional through Animal Help Now for advice, or call 911 or Animal Control
Most wildlife never comes close to people. And in fact, many people enjoy seeing wildlife and find the viewing of wildlife a complement to their property and environment. So, what makes an animal a "nuisance"? For most people, it is when the animal becomes invasive or destructive. Some of the species most often cited as nuisance include coyotes, raccoons, foxes and deer. Check out the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division for information on how to handle nuisance or conflict wildlife. Check Out Animal Help Now’s “Wildlife Conflict” section for possible assistance in your area
All Creatures Animal Hospital
2482-C Mt. Vernon Rd.
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Phone: (770) 393-3400
Fax: 770-395-9500